This page was last updated 7-17-99
1. Me 2. Lewis 3. Jill 4. Keith A.K.A. POON TANG 5. Flapper 6. Syd Fathers of the UNDERGROUND me and lewis If you think you have what it takes to become an UNDERGROUNDER talk to one of us. Dan is just jealous that he does not have what it takes to be an undergrounder.
Please sign my guestbook. Tell me what you think. The minute you are born you start to die. I can only please one person a day, today is not your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either. Cat pee glows under black light. If your going to lose at least look good doing it. Approximately 16 Canadians have their appendix removed when not required everyday. 85% of the population can curl their tongue into a tube. Elephants walk on their tiptoes because the back of their feet have no bone, all fat. The expression "rule of thumb" is derieved from an old english law that stated men were not permited to beat their wives with anything larger then the width of their thumb. A group of 12 or more cows is called a flink. Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot. A cockroach can live for 9 days with out a head before it starves to death. The average lifespan of a tastebud is 10 days. A can of spam is opened every 4 seconds. The yougest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in china in 1910. The youngest pope was 11. The longest recoreded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds. An oyster can change its sex many times throughout its life. It's impossible to sneeze without closing your eyes. Hitler only had one testicle. The most populare name in the world is Mohammed. The words month, orange, and purple do not rhyme with any other word. Eskimos have refrigirators to put their food in, otherwise it would freeze. Elvis's underpants are worth and estimated $1300. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, dogs only have about 10. Babies are born without knee caps, but develope them between the ages of 2-6 The first toilet ever seen on televeision was on "Leave it to Beaver" There are 48 mcdonalds on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. At 90' below zero your breath will freeze in mid-air and fall to the ground. MEAN PEOPLE SUCK Since you are here that means you have nothing better to do. So sign the guestbook!
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1. Which president smoked marijuana with a nude playgirl while he joked about being too wasted to "push the button" in case of nuclear attack? 2. Which president allegedly had affairs with both a winner AND a finalist in the Miss America pageant? 3. Which president made love to one of his secretaries stretched out atop a desk in the oval office? 4. Which president allegedly had an affair (as well as children) with a slave who was his wife's half sister? 5. Which president called his mistress "Pookie"? 6. Which president married a woman who hadn't yet divorced her first husband - and was branded an "adulterer" during his re-election campaign? 7. Which future president wrote love letters to his neighbor's wife while he was engaged to someone else? 8. Which president had a torrid affair with the first lady's personal secretary? 9. Which president made love to a young woman in a White House coat closet - at one point, while a secret service agent prevented the hysterical first lady from attacking them? 10. Which president made love in a closet while telling his lover about the *other* president who made love in a closet (the one in Question 9)? 11. Which vice president was cheesed off because he felt that HIS record of sexual conquests was more impressive than the president's? 12. Which future president, while a college student, loved showing off his manhood (which he named "Jumbo")? If you can't handle the truth Don't read the answers below. 1. John F. Kennedy 2. Bill Clinton 3. Lyndon B. Johnson 4. Thomas Jefferson 5. Bill Clinton 6. Andrew Jackson 7. George Washington 8. Franklin D. Roosevelt 9. Warren G. Harding 10. John F. Kennedy 11. Lyndon B. Johnson 12. Lyndon B. Johnson